Thursday, October 27, 2011

Abstract Self Portraits - Nugget Art!

The abstract self-portraits are ready! Like I said in the last post, they were allowed to collage and/or draw their portrait.

Here's a sample:
Natali - Really well done! "I like abstract because I can
have Shakira's legs."
 David - He included another person instead of just himself
(he's the flying, maniacally laughing lion warrior to the left),
but I love it anyway. It has everything you could ever want.
A flying pig (and they don't even have that expression
in Spain!)? An unidentifiable socked animal climbing a ladder?
A meat-man? A pyramid with a Super Cow? No but seriously,
I love how he drew and collaged together. 

Alicia - Adorable. She even has bread pigtails.
 Jose David - Wow. Just, wow. It doesn't get much more
spanish than a self-portrait with olive oil arms, ham legs,
 a ham body, and the popular spanish cookie for a mouth.
Lucía - She likes juice. "I like juice."
Daniel - I really like this one! He even collaged himself
chilling on the couch haha!
Ana - A money-dog-baby viking.
 Noor - A pumpkin person flying in some seriously
awesome clouds.
This one cracks me up every time. Who doesn't love a
flying, relaxing baby-man with wings?
Maria Jose - Thin basketball body with GIANT MEGA
HANDS/FINGERS RAAAAA! I like this one because I have
no idea what's going on. Kids are the coolest.


  1. oh my gosh these are great! my faves are David's with the flying pic and the baby man! hahaha!

  2. I LOVE JUICE TOO! Meg, this is amazing

  3. A toss up between flying relaxing baby man and bread pigtails........These are great!
