Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Abstract Shapes - Nugget Art!

Today with the nuggets I did a Miró-esque style project. Because they're so used to drawing realistically, and have trouble with activities or projects that lack specific step-by-step instructions, I've decided to continue focusing on abstract art for right now. I want them to use their imagination and improve their ability to work on more open-ended projects that force them to decide what to do. 

I brought in four shapes - a circle, square, triangle and rectangle. All the nuggets received one of each. Here's what they got:

I explained that we were doing another abstract work of art and told them to arrange the four shapes on the page however they wanted. They were also given a blue piece of paper in order to cut out more shapes IF they wanted to. Lastly, they were allowed to color (using a black marker or crayon), but ONLY lines and dots. Nothing realistic. The four original shapes were the only requirement, but most kids branched off from there. I love how different they all turned out, despite the same original shapes. Here's some of their work!!

And then there's this...

Ok, granted, this kid technically didn't follow the instructions; he used letters. But hahahahaha! Here's a conversation he had with the spanish teacher (that she told me about later):
Fran: What grade am I going to get?
Teacher: I don't know, Megan's grading them.
Fran: Well what would you give me?
Teacher: A one, you didn't follow the directions. (out of 10)
Fran: But maybe Megan will give me a higher grade?
Teacher: Yeah, maybe.
Fran: Why?
Teacher: I don't know.
Fran: Probably because it makes her laugh...

Right you are, dear nugget. Right. You. Are.

1 comment:

  1. This is amazing. I wouldn't be surprised if your class is the one these kids look forward to all day.

    Bar. ha!
